It is the duty of the Elders in Christ’s church to shepherd the flock of God {1 Peter 5:1-4}. One of the important ways the Elders fulfill this responsibility is to regularly visit all of the families and individuals of the church.  The goal of these visits is to encourage church members in their walk with Christ and to pray with them and for them. In an effort to ensure that each person is visited each year (or as close as we can get to one year) we have developed an Elder Visitation Plan, that we hope will reduce the time spent on the logistics of visits, namely, contacting people to work out available times to meet.



The Elder Visitation Plan

We have set aside one day per week for the 52 weeks of each year, alternating between Thursdays and Saturdays, when church members can sign up for a visit.  This provides the opportunity for a weekday, weeknight, or weekend visit, which we hope will accommodate people’s varied schedules.  Two Thursdays and two Saturdays would be made available for visitation each month. 


Families and individuals can sign on the Elder Visitation Sign Up Sheet available in the church foyer.  You can also email a request for visitation to our church secretary at the email address below.


Ideally, these visits would take place in the home as this allows the best opportunity for the Elders to engage with the real-life situations of families and individual church members.  However, visits can also take place at the church building, if a home visit is not possible.



Contact our church secretary at: 
